webmin tar gz install

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.860.tar.gz 15.1 MB ... A Webmin package for Gentoo is now part of their tree, and can be installed with ...

相關軟體 Webmin 下載

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. Webmin removes the need to man...

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  • http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.860.tar.gz 15.1 MB ... A Webmin packa...
    Downloading and Installing - Webmin
  • To install the port: cd /usr/ports/sysutils/webmin/ && make install clean To add t...
    FreshPorts -- sysutilswebmin - FreshPorts -- The Place For ...
  • In this post i will guide you on how to install Webmin 1.550 using tar file. This post ass...
    How to Install Webmin 1.550 Using TAR File
  • 2012年1月21日 - In this post, i will share on how to install the Webmin, a web-based interfa...
    How to Install Webmin 1.570 on CentOS 5.7 from tar.gz file
  • 2012年3月25日 - In this post, i will show how to install Webmin on Redhat Enterprise Linux 6...
    How to Install Webmin 1.580 on RHEL 6CentOS 6 Using tar.gz File
  • 跳到 Installing from a tar.gz - The most common location for installation from tarballs is ...
    Installation - the old fashioned way - Webmin Documentation
  • # gunzip webmin-1.330.tar.gz # tar xvf webmin-1.330.tar Next, you need to change to the di...
    Installation - the old fashioned way - Webmin Documentation ...
  • If Debian complains about missing dependencies, you can install them with the ... are deb/...
    Installing on Debian - Webmin
  • Before downloading Webmin, you must already have Perl 5 installed on your system. ... To d...
    Installing the tar.gz file - Webmin
  • Installing the Usermin tar.gz file. Before downloading Usermin, you must ...
    Installing the Usermin tar.gz file - Webmin
  • If that occurs and your Linux distribution is on the list of those supported, you should i...
    Installing Webmin - Webmin Documentation
  • I have downloaded tar.gz files. But I don't know how to install it. How do I install t...
    software installation - How do I install a .tar.gz (or .tar. ...
  • I found that my Webmin doesn't come with the vsftpd module to configure vsftpd. I foun...
    ubuntu - How Do I Install a Webmin Module? - Server Fault ...
  • To download the Webmin tar.gz package, either follow the link on the downloads page, or ru...
  • On 15/Jul/2006 19:44 Marcos Rubinstein wrote .. > I'm sure it was mentioned some ti...
    Webmin Mailing Lists
  • webmin is often provided by Linux distribution, but you can get the last release (in tar.g...
    webminstats installation - SourceForge
  • $sudo tzr xzvf webmin-1.420.tar.gz 3.進去得到的目錄 $cd webmin-1.420 4.安裝 $sudo ./setup.sh 或 $sud...
    手動安裝Webmin 1.420 的方法- iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救IT 人 ...